4 Tips for Job Hunting While Still Employed

Looking for a job requires a huge amount of time and energy, and it isn’t something you should take too lightly. If you’re looking for a new job while still employed, you’ll likely find that juggling your current job, your family and job search is exhausting.

If you find yourself browsing through current job openings, there may be a few reasons why – it may be the lack of job perspectives in the current position, or you can’t stand someone you have to work with every day. You should think about the reasons you want a new job, and continue your search only when you are sure that nothing can be changed in your current working place.

Here are four tips for job hunting while still employed:

1. Keep your lips sealed

It is never good to lie to your boss, but sometimes, especially when looking for another job, you have to do this. Unfortunately, some companies may dismiss employees if they discover they’re planning on jumping ship, therefore it’s best to keep your job hunt on need-to-know basis, and not to share this with anyone you are working with.

2. Don’t use company resources

Conducting the job search on the hours of the company is a bad idea. When you are at your current job, it should be the main thing you focus on. If your work performance takes a nosedive, your boss will surely think something is going on with you. And, of course, it is unethical. A good recruiter will understand that discretion is often the part of the process, which is why most will agree to conduct interviews during lunch or off-hours.

3. Don’t use company resources

Whether on a resume or on a LinkedIn profile, always use your personal email and phone number rather than company ones. We even suggest you restrict your job search to personal PC only. Remember that one inopportune phone call or email can alert your manager that you consider leaving.

4. Handle inquiries appropriately 

In case the boss asks you about the job search, it’s best to be honest. You might be at risk of being let go, depending on your performance and your position in the company. However, by explaining the reasons why you’re looking for a Plan B, your boss may even be willing to make changes to your current role to keep you there.


job, jobsearch