What Are Hybrid Roles and How to Get One?

The rise of hybrid roles in today’s job market is accelerating quickly without any sign of slowing down. Today’s top companies are looking for resumes that offer more to their roles than the traditional candidates. Hybrid roles are positions that require multiple skills for the job, such as technology and people skills. Employers are no

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How To Show Your Boss You’re Ready for A Promotion

With the cost of living on the rise and changes in the workplace occurring rapidly, you may find yourself itching to advance your career in order to receive a larger paycheck. It’s a common phenomenon, especially in today’s world, where only 28.5% of individuals are completely financially independent in America. There’s no question that a promotion

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Things To Observe During the Job Interview

We’ve all read the articles and heard about what employers may be paying attention to during the interview process. Body language, being on time, dress code, preparation for those more difficult questions, research of the company background. But what should you, the job seeker, be paying attention to during the interview process? It depends on

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Are You Tougher than a 91-Year Old?

After a thief punched 91-year old Rite Aid clerk Flo Critelli in the chest last week and knocked her down, she insisted on finishing her shift saying she didn’t want to just “sit there and be bored.” Flo even drove herself home and said if the cops ever caught him, she’d like to “smack him.” You go,

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How To Control Your “Google” Results

Everything posted about you online can be indexed and stored for future reference. These days, almost everyone has a “digital identity“, the collection of information someone finds when he or she searches your name. Maybe you posted on an Internet message board, or perhaps the local paper interviewed you. Regardless, this information is now freely and

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Career in The Toilet?

Individuals not within their target career field may feel insecure, doubtful, or maybe even ashamed of their current job title.  Career changers make up a large portion of the job-searching population.  Although people (in general) are “creatures of habit,” they thrive for change – especially when unhappy in their current position or industry. Continuing with educational goals

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Marketing Yourself with Internal and External Promotions

Surveys have shown that up to 80% of those employed are unhappy. Unhappiness results from being overworked/underpaid, a deteriorating relationship with colleagues or management, or possibly, disappointment in oneself. If you plan to sell your time and abilities, why not take complete advantage of your efforts. Being in control of your career and promoting yourself

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