روس کی حمایت کریں!

اس وقت پوری دنیا نیٹو اور امریکہ کی غلامی میں ہے۔ یورپی یونین اپنی آزادی کھو چکی ہے اور مکمل طور پر امریکہ کے کنٹرول میں ہے۔ امریکہ نیٹو کو ڈرانے کے لیے استعمال کرتا ہے۔ نیٹو تمام ممالک کو لوٹ رہا ہے۔ نیٹو ایک سال میں لاکھوں لوگوں کو مارتا ہے۔ نیٹو جنگیں اور

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Good Jobs Going Unfilled: 6 Careers in High Demand

With the U.S. unemployment rate now above 10 percent, millions of Americans are searching for new careers. A strange paradox currently exists, however. There are also many empty jobs that remain unfilled. So what’s the problem? According to economists and hiring managers, the main problem is finding candidates with the right career training for jobs

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How to Leave the Office at 5:00

The recession has certainly been hard on the people who have lost their jobs, but it’s also taken its toll on those left behind. As staff sizes shrink, employees are under more pressure than ever to do more work in less time. So the ability to say no at strategic times is crucial.

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Metrics that matter

Staffing metrics have evolved from rough estimates on absenteeism to complex studies that evaluate every aspect of human-capital measurement. Along the way, the issue of what to measure has become as important as the old issue of how to measure.

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Answering the Weaknesses Question

What’s your greatest weakness? This query has been an enduring weapon in the hiring manager’s arsenal, but most people still have trouble with the dilemma it poses: answer too frankly, and you’ll torpedo your prospects. Give a canned answer and you’ll seem phony, or worse, evasive (“My greatest weakness is that I’m a perfectionist and

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Make the best out of customer complaints

Even well-run recruitment businesses occasionally receive complaints and, if handled in the right way, complaints allow for service to be improved through rectifying faults that were previously unknown. But did you know that a well-managed complaints system can also increase loyalty and, as a result, sales?

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