Good Business Management Skills…the Key to Success!
True business management success involves more than realizing a high profit margin at the end of the fiscal year. It requires a well-planned business strategy that includes:
True business management success involves more than realizing a high profit margin at the end of the fiscal year. It requires a well-planned business strategy that includes:
I have met thousands of people who perform miracles at work every day. They pour their heart and soul into their work and offer their employers their knowledge and skills to help make those companies a success. But you would never know it if you looked at the resumes most people write for themselves. People
Surveys have shown that up to 80% of those employed are unhappy. Unhappiness results from being overworked/underpaid, a deteriorating relationship with colleagues or management, or possibly, disappointment in oneself. If you plan to sell your time and abilities, why not take complete advantage of your efforts. Being in control of your career and promoting yourself
What is Social Recruiting? It is a question that has been buzzing around with recruiters long enough that it has actually started to spread into the candidate pool as well. So what is Social Recruiting and how are Recruiters using it to discover and hire talent. Let’s go through what Social Recruiting is by defining it
If you’re applying for a new job after a lay off or employment break, there are things you can do to make your applications stand out. With the nation’s unemployment rate around 7%, you cannot afford any mistakes. Employers and human resource departments are flooded with resumes and applications on a daily basis, and if
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You love your work and are responsible for multiple projects and tasks that continue to be assigned to you or your group. You actually thrive on the multiple deadline pressures. Or perhaps you hold multiple jobs or own your own business. Your work hours are long, your at-home
Bill Pinto details what goes on during an internal investigation in the workplace:
Many resumes end up at the bottom of the pile or in the shredder. Some reasons for this might seem like no-brainers to most of us—such as a candidate misspelling his or her own name—but other reasons might not be immediately apparent. A new study from The Ladders is using advanced technology and scientific methods
You’ve probably seen the ads. Certain companies will guarantee that thousands of dollars can be made by stuffing envelopes at home, or doing something equally easy. These scams are everywhere, and sometimes obscure the truth: A college degree can lead to real money made in real work-at-home jobs.
7 Ways to Improve Ties and Keep Your Job
Are you stuck in a rut and anxious to leave a job you used to like? Perhaps after receiving several promotions, you’re spinning your wheels in a role where there’s little room for further advancement. Maybe your company’s corporate culture has taken a turn for the worse, or a new manager is placing unrealistic demands
With the U.S. unemployment rate now above 10 percent, millions of Americans are searching for new careers. A strange paradox currently exists, however. There are also many empty jobs that remain unfilled. So what’s the problem? According to economists and hiring managers, the main problem is finding candidates with the right career training for jobs
What did you want to be when you grew up? Astronaut? Movie star? Superhero? Whatever made your list, green marketer probably wasn’t on it–but that job may be on the lists of today’s youngsters.
Would you prefer a job in a clean, air-conditioned office, or would you like to jump into a job that requires heavy protective gear and working in downright filthy conditions? Most people would choose the former, but others have found great satisfaction and success in so-called dirty jobs (though, of course, not everyone who has
The numbers of temp jobs have been showing relatively healthy gains during the employment market’s very sluggish recovery. And many experts see the increase in temporary employment as a good sign that the recovery will continue–companies often hire temp workers as a way to increase production or development without the financial obligation that full-time employees
When you’re looking for a new job, having an organized plan of attack is one key way to stay ahead of the competition. Brad Attig offers his tips on how to organize your job-hunting tasks for each day of the workweek:
Career experts are unanimous on the importance of customizing our resumes for each new job we apply for. But for many of us, when it comes to revising our resumes, the first question is “How?”
In just a few short weeks, the holiday season will be in full swing–so now is a great time to pick up seasonal work. Here are some tips on how to plan effectively and where to look for holiday jobs:
Job security matters, especially during periods of high unemployment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), unemployment rates at the end of 2010 hovered close to ten percent. Is there anywhere to turn for job security? Yes, there is, according to the experts. The following jobs should offer stability last year and beyond.
By rooting through different databases, data mining connects the dots of candidate and employee data to speed up recruiting and improve sourcing.