Ten Tips For Beating Rejection Letter Blues
Receiving a rejection can really knock you back, but the truth is, it’s a valuable opportunity to improve and rethink. Follow our top ten tips to use your rejection to your advantage:
Receiving a rejection can really knock you back, but the truth is, it’s a valuable opportunity to improve and rethink. Follow our top ten tips to use your rejection to your advantage:
Retail is a fast-moving industry with ample avenues for those who wish to find a well-paying job and turn it into a lifelong career. Though rewarding in the long run, a career in retail brings its own set of challenges. While an uncertain economy definitely makes it a risky proposition, retail is still considered a
You’ve probably seen the ads. Certain companies will guarantee that thousands of dollars can be made by stuffing envelopes at home, or doing something equally easy. These scams are everywhere, and sometimes obscure the truth: A college degree can lead to real money made in real work-at-home jobs.
Today’s competitive job market is causing job candidates to try creative approaches in order to grab a hiring manager’s attention and secure an interview. In fact, Robert Half recently polled executives, asking them to recall the most unusual job hunting tactics they’ve seen applicants employ. One candidate offered a money-back guarantee for the initial six
Career experts are unanimous on the importance of customizing our resumes for each new job we apply for. But for many of us, when it comes to revising our resumes, the first question is “How?”
Job postings often miss the mark because employers pay too little attention to the way they’re written. When that happens, high-quality candidates may not respond.
Staffing metrics have evolved from rough estimates on absenteeism to complex studies that evaluate every aspect of human-capital measurement. Along the way, the issue of what to measure has become as important as the old issue of how to measure.
After 10 years as a state unemployment counselor, it’s clear to me that job seekers are wont to follow their same old routine every day, yet they expect it to yield different results. In doing so, they set themselves up for rejection. Most of us are allergic to rejection. The adverse reaction causes our thinking
When you blast off your resume to thousands of search firms, where do you think it goes? Not to the partners it’s typically addressed to. Instead, your documents are routed to the firm’s research department where they may be coded and filed in an electronic database according to such attributes as industry, function, location and
“Diversity represents a company’s fundamental attitude that it not only respects and values the individuality of its employees but also understands how to tap the potentially significant contributions inherent in diversity.”1 Alexandra Groess Allianz Group’s International Diversity Project
Transitions are not comfortable. Wouldn’t it be nice if career changes were mapped out for us in neat little how-to packages with “start here and go to there” instructions (complete with arrows and signposts to keep us on track)? Sorry, it’s not that easy.
Sample Thank You Letter: Recent Graduate Recruiting
If the very word “interview” makes your palms sweat and your head itch, then take a deep breath, sit down and read this easy step-by-step guide to acing the interview. Dress appropriately. This one may seem basic, but it’s easier said than done. Before you start your rounds of interviews, be sure to have a
What is an e-auction? Essentially it is a paperless auction where everything from the advertisement, shortlisting of suppliers and the tendering process takes place online.
CHICAGO — It’s Cyber Monday, and much of your workday has been spent clicking through 50-percent-off offers on winter sweaters. Is your boss watching? Chances are good that your holiday deal-seeking is not going unnoticed at work, even as employers become more relaxed about letting workers shop online on company time, a recent survey shows.
So, let me guess, you’re a recent college grad with a liberal arts degree, living it up, and distracting yourself (unsuccessfully) from the thought of ‘real life’ looming right around the corner? Well, take a break from watching the latest “Girls” episode and pretending to apply for jobs online, heed this most important of cover
If you’re not feeling happy or fulfilled with your current career, you may be longing for a change without knowing exactly what you want. If you’re more than ready to change your career but there’s a big question mark as to what you should be doing instead, don’t panic. Just use some of these career
As a recruiter, I’ve met with thousands of people from different backgrounds, all with problems and challenges with their work life. Talking to a recruiter is therapeutic. It’s also time consuming. So most people don’t go through the effort unless they’re stuck in a dead end job or their current circumstances have become untenable. When
While the idea of starting your own company might be incredibly appealing, it’s not something that can happen without a bit of work. Even if you are sick and tired of that long commute to work for a grumpy boss who doesn’t seem to appreciate you, becoming your own boss takes time, work, and careful
The old 9-to-5 has never been everyone’s cup of tea. Some people thrive within that type of structure, while others flourish when given freedom. These days, many are ditching the corporate grind in favor of working for themselves. In fact, according to Freelancers Union, nearly one in three Americans are self-employed. Interested in joining the legions