6 Jobs For Night Owls

There are two kinds of people in the world: early birds and night owls. While early birds rise at the crack of dawn and typically do really well working a traditional 9 to 5 work schedule (or one that starts even earlier), many night owls are just starting to get into the groove around dinner

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10 Signs You’re In The Wrong Job

So you’ve started avoiding their calls, going to events without them, and when your friends ask how it’s going, you awkwardly fake a smile and say unenthusiastically, “It’s great.” While I hate to be the bearer of bad news, the writing is on the wall: it’s time to say goodbye. But, to be clear, I’m

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Top 5 Careers For Veterans

The unemployment rate for veterans who served in active duty in the U.S. hovered at 9 percent in 2013, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. A major obstacle in securing employment is understanding how to translate your skills from your time in the military to the workplace. Fortunately there are numerous fields that

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How To Ask For Your Old Job Back

Sometimes leaving one job for the greener pastures of another seems like a good idea… until you realize it wasn’t and find yourself wondering how to ask for your old job back. The Wall Street Journal’s Sue Shellenbarger says that everyone is entitled to a few career “mulligans”, and that with a bit of finesse, you too can

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How To Prepare For And Survive A Layoff

As of last month, the U.S. unemployment rate had decreased to 5.8 percent, the lowest it’s been in years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s good news, but don’t get complacent—nothing is secure when it comes to the economy. Get your finances in order while times are good, so you won’t panic if

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5 Characteristics Of Great Career Advice

Great careers are built on great career advice. Unfortunately, with all the career advice available online and in the media, it can be difficult to sort the good from the bad. To help you differentiate, here are five characteristics of great career advice: 1. The advice comes from a great source Have you ever heard

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5 Hacks To Help You Boost Workplace Productivity

In a day and age where our phones contain (and control) our lives, distractions are aplenty. While most people are busy all the time, most people aren’t actually productive. With this in mind, it’s time to take back some control and organize your workday in the name of productivity. Lizzi Hart, a Marketing Assistant at

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5 Careers That Make A Difference

Jeff Oakes was a successful architect earning six-figures and living his dream in San Francisco. But, when two of this close friends died unexpectedly, his priorities changed. Oakes quit his cushy job, moved to India and now teaches rural villagers business principles. His only means of income is selling custom clothing made from fabric manufactured

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The #1 Key To Success At Work Is…

What’s the #1 key to success? We uncovered words of wisdom from Confucius, Vincent van Gogh, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, all which point to one very specific trait – one that is without a doubt the secret to their success. We spend roughly 100,000 hours of our lives at work. For many, a job is just a

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Should You Bother Looking For A Career Mentor?

Let’s rewind. Whether you are a new college graduate or a seasoned professional, do you remember when you thought you knew exactly what your career would entail? Most of us likely held an inaccurate view of the working world. That’s where a career mentor or a trusted counselor comes into play. Building career mentor relationships can help

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How not to apply for a job

A job hunter offered to come in for an interview because she was “needing a daytime job to fill my time.” She will not be hearing back. The applicant, a young adult, may well be reliable and honest, as she wrote in her email to a business owner. But there was nothing in her attached

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A job interview on a Ferris wheel? Um, OK

CHICAGO — As if job interviews weren’t stomach-churning enough, imagine sitting through one while looping around a giant Ferris wheel. Last month, top executives from ad agency Havas Worldwide commandeered six gondolas of the Ferris wheel at Chicago tourist hotspot Navy Pier to interview job candidates for several dozen positions, giving each applicant two revolutions

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10 Body Language Mistakes to Spot During Job Interviews

Certain Non-verbal Behaviors Can Be Big Red Flags Sometimes You Just Know First impressions aren’t everything, but…well, sometimes they are everything. Hiring managers might not ever admit it publicly, but first impressions often help drive hiring decisions to a large degree. In a new survey from CareerBuilder, employers opened up about job interviews — specifically

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