Career Setbacks Getting You Down? These Are the Signs That Entrepreneurship May Be the Solution

When a setback is keeping you from the career you really want, it’s time to reevaluate how you got here, and then explore options for getting back in gear. The most obvious option is to look for a new job, or maybe to switch careers. A less obvious option – but possibly the best one for getting unstuck – is to start your own business. Becoming a business owner opens up all kinds of potential that you could never see as an employee.


If you’re on the fence, or you’re just starting to think about entrepreneurship, consider these top reasons why starting a business might be the best way to get unstuck for good:


If Another “Job” Won’t Move You Forward

 If you aren’t sure about going into business for yourself, take a good look at where your career is, and where it has been, to get a better perspective of whether there’s another way forward. According to Fast Company, a lack of advancement opportunities and a lack of excitement about your work are two clear signs that it’s a dead-end job. If you look at where you are and see either of these signs, ask yourself if there are other ways you could get out of that dead end. If the answer is no, then starting a business may be the way to go.


There Are Fewer Barriers to Entry

 If the first reason to start a business is all about why you should do it, this one boils down to the question why not? Running a business isn’t easy. It takes hard work and dedication, from the time you first launch and continuing as you grow. But as long as you put in the effort, there are more tools available than ever that will help you on the road to success.

Whatever type of business you start, access to the internet and the myriad tech tools it has spawned have eliminated many of the barriers that earlier entrepreneurs faced. One of the best examples is how platforms make everyday business easier to accomplish with tools like a point of sale system, payroll software, and inventory management. These tools are affordable and run on mobile devices, which means even the smallest startups can access what they need to grow and succeed. If you’re going to run these tools on your smartphone, you’ll want to double-check that your device is up to the task because an older model may not have the necessary power and memory. If you’re in the market for a new smartphone, your carrier may allow you to trade in your phone for a new, discounted model.


You Have the Right Skills – Or You’re Willing to Learn

 Being an entrepreneur requires a different skill set from being an employee. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be 100% prepared before making the leap. You just have to be willing to gain the knowledge you need. In fact, Business Insider explains that being open to failure and taking risks are two qualities of a person who will be successful, regardless of the industry you’re in. If you have the drive to become an entrepreneur and aren’t afraid of failure, you already have what it takes to start a business.

If you decide to jump right in, there are several ways you can make it happen. For someone who has marketable skills, such as an accountant or a web designer, you could create your own company. If you aren’t ready to quit your day job, you could start a side business working freelance, or something entirely different like e-commerce.


You Can Find Your Happy Place

 For many people who have career setbacks, there’s one basic truth that gets to the heart of the problem: You simply aren’t happy in your job. Maybe you’re in the wrong field, or maybe you crave more independence. Regardless of the reason, starting your own business could be a solution that brings happiness to your life’s work.

That doesn’t mean every single day will be sunshine and roses. Setbacks will still happen, but they take on new meaning when you’re in business for yourself. Instead of keeping you stuck, setbacks in business are learning opportunities that propel you forward. With all of this in mind, remember that entrepreneurship isn’t right for anyone. However, if it’s right for you, starting your own business just may be your ticket to the career fulfillment you’ve been missing.

Business, career, job, work